Fall of a Legend - Rise of a Hero
Fall of a Legend - Rise of a Hero – Liam was once a legend, but now he’s just another relic in a world that no longer needs him. When a chance encounter pulls him into Faerun’s underbelly, he uncovers a truth the Mayor has buried for centuries—one that could ignite a revolution.
Neko has spent her life running, hunted for what she is. But when she crosses paths with Liam, she’s forced into a fight far bigger than herself—a fight for truth, freedom, and the fate of Faerun itself. The city’s ruler built his empire on lies, chaining its people in place with the Bands. But if Faerun won’t face the truth… they’ll burn it into the streets.

Here's a teaser
A few light orbs? That’s costly. It’s not hard magic, but it seems like a damn waste of mana.
He brings his other hand to the light he holds and whispers to himself. A heartbeat later, a few dozen balls of light zing across the forest floor in every direction. He just wasted so much mana my heart tightens at the thought.
As the forest lights up, I find what’s got the birds on edge. A nightmare bear is a hundred meters away. And looking right at us.
“There.” I point it out to him, knowing I’ve let panic slip into my tone.
“Is that a problem?” He asks. His voice calm. He’s either dumb, or never heard the stories about nightmare bears. I’m hoping for the latter.
“Are you a child in a man suit? If you run into a bear in the forest and it’s staring you down, what do you think?”
He snarls, “Where I’m from, bears avoid humans. Unless they are protecting their young or food. It’s pretty damn far away. So again. Is that a problem?”
Its fur is black, longer than a normal bear. Hint of mana flash in its eyes. “Maybe if it was just a bear, it wouldn’t be. But that’s a nightmare bear. For the uneducated here, that means not only is it a bear with a bad temper and extremely territorial, it’s one of the few creatures that use mana.”
“It can what?!” He growls.
Oh, now he’s nervous. Just a bear, no big deal. But a bear that can use mana is suddenly a problem. Well, I mean, I guess a problem worth getting tense about.
“It can’t cast spells like us. But it uses the mana to make it stronger, faster. From that distance, if it charges, it can run us down in a few seconds.”
Liam moves closer to me and says, “A damn Olympic runner can’t cover that distance in a few seconds.”
“I have no idea what you just said, but listen. The mana bear has one weakness.”
“Going to share?”
“It hates fire. But…” I can’t believe I didn’t prepare for this. But those spell vials are expensive.
Liam keeps his eyes fixed on the bear. “But what?”
“Look, they don’t normally come around here, plus I wasn’t planning on coming this way. I didn’t bring any fire vials. And…” I don’t want to tell him. I don’t want to look weak.
“Spit it out, Neko!”
“I’m tapped out, okay! A fireball might scare it,” I snap, baring my teeth for a split second before catching myself.
I didn’t want him to know. If he thought I could still cast spells, it would keep him at bay. Make him think twice before trying anything. If we get away, he’ll know he can overpower me now. I’m screwed.
Liam steps closer and says, “Before I do this, I want your word you won’t need to give me any proportion payment.”
“Your word Neko. I’m not doing this for payment. And you are a stubborn brat. Now, give me your word.”
I grit my teeth, not understanding what he means. Who doesn’t want payment? The bear rears up and charges in our direction and I spit out. “You have my word!”
Liam lights up both of his hands in orange flames and spins around, igniting the forest floor in a blaze. A circle of fire forms and rages ten feet into the air. The flames' heat pours over us and the sound of wood and leaves crackle in the air. Through the flames, I watch the bear skid to a halt and lower its head. He roars and stomps the ground with its front paws, it takes a step back, the flames dancing its eyes. It roars again, before turning and heading back into the forest’s depths.
He growls, “When we’re safe, I extinguish the flames. Do these things ever try again?”
Staring at the fire that rages around us, I try to keep fear out of my tone. “I think you scared me… It. You scared it. I doubt it’ll come anywhere near our scent.”
As I glance up at Liam, his hood is up and with the light of the flames here, I should see his face. I only find darkness. As if light itself is afraid to touch him, an unnatural darkness fills the space in his hood.
I’ve only heard of this in stories. But it’s impossible. No one can replicate that spell. No one has even figured out what element was used to do it.
The only human to have ever lived whose face swallowed the light itself was the Warrior Mage.
I don’t know who this guy is, but if he can perform that kind of magic. I need to complete our deal, and part ways quickly. Someone like this will only bring me trouble.
I knew something was off about him. Stupid black coat. For once, I should have let my pride go and let him leave. But no~ I just had to make sure my reputation wouldn’t be tarnished.
A mage like him will draw the attention of every mage seeking to make a name for themselves. And I want nothing to do with it. I just want to live in my own place and not go hungry.
Current Cover Design
The first few concept covers I felt were to busy. I have since had it reworked and now feels much cleaner.

Stories that are currently shelved until further notice
Sync'd - After War
This project is to be set 20 years after the end of Sync'd Reclaim. As of now, this project will be put on hold to focus on Fall of a Legend. After spending so much time in the Sync'd universe I need step back from it. The story does have a rough outline, along with several rough first draft chapters. Some day I will revisit it.
A follow up to Lunareth and Solterris
Currently on hold. Though I do want to revisit Lunareth, the idea and story still need time to form. As such, this will be placed on hold until I find it's path.
The 'spicy' story
I'm not sure if I will ever finish this one. Those that know, know. Those who don't. You shouldn't want to.